Congresswoman Fudge Statement on the Tamir Rice Decision

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) released the following statement after Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty announced the grand jury decision in the case of the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice:
"My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Tamir Rice and the greater Cleveland community. Despite today's grand jury decision not to indict the police officers in the shooting death of Tamir Rice at the request of Prosecutor McGinty, I ask the community to continue to support the Rice family and remain calm.
"This is no indictment against the grand jury or the police officers, and I thank both for their service. However, it is an indictment against Prosecutor McGinty whose handling of this case in my opinion tainted the outcome. Although the grand jury decision may be the right one, we will never know because the prosecutor refused to step down and allow an independent review. Further, his decision to try the case in the public in an effort to "be transparent" did not allow for questions to be raised or answered by his independent experts. The prosecutor conducted the investigation in a manner that I believe inappropriate and as a result he has lost the trust and confidence of our community, and, indeed, mine as well. I accept the decision, but the means do not justify the end."