Celebrating fun Red Hat Divas style

The Red Hat Socialites Divas celebrated their second anniversary with simply fun, fun, fun. They held their event at the Mediterranean Party Center in Bedford Heights, last Saturday.
"That is what we are all about, having fun", said Sandra Sears, the Queen Mother of the Red Hat Divas. "We love to have fun."
So the celebrate fun, with a dancing, dining, fashion show and fellowship.
The Red Hat Divas began their evening of fun with line dancing. The music was provided by DJ Mario. He spun the tunes from the planet old school.
Next they had a stellar fashion show directed by Mzuri Designs. The models were Cierra Hicks, Noire Whitehead, Fred Duke, Shaunte Robinson, Ashonti Wright and Paula Chillious.
The Red Hat Divas started two years ago. The group are 50 years and older. The group are: Sandra Sears - Queen Mother, Yolanda Keys - Co-Queen, Martha Payne - Secretary, Dana Davis - Sargent of Arms, Barbara Robinson - Chaplin, Helen Wright, Florance Burrell, Bonnie Gill, Sharon Moore, Mildred Evans, Darlene Jones and Gloria Brown.
Sears also reached down to the youth. She helped started a group called "Pink Hat and Lavender". This group is 50 and under.
The evening climax with ball-room dancing by Fairhill Circle with instructor Leo Martin and Frederick Barthany. This group started about 20-years ago. That group consists of Tanya Watson, Francine Farmer, McClure McCombs, Patrica Thomas, Diana Callahan, Elaine Bevel, Frederick Barthany, Wayne Gadson, Shirley Hanks, Irvin Taylor, Leo Martin and James Moore.
At the end of the day, the Red Hat Divas and all of the 200 and more guests left with fun in their heart.
(Photo 1) - The Red Hat Divas celebrated their second anniversary at the Mediterranean Party Center.
(Photo 2) - The are getting their line dancing on, at The Red Hat Divas second anniversary, last Saturday.
(Photo 3) -The Models, Cierra Hicks, Noire Whitehead, Freda Duke (the designer), Shauntae Robinson, Ashonti Wright and Paula Chillious, strutted their stuff at the Red Hat Divas celebration.