Help Save America-Help Save The World
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

The people are outraged, they are disgusted and they feel betrayed by their elected representatives and they feel that the system is crooked, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist and that their elected representatives are being influenced by the Lobbyists, Super PACs, Special Interest Groups, Pharmaceutical Interests and Wall Street Financial Groups; and that in so doing, their influence controls the system form of government which We the People, the American People resent and reject the unjust practices and the unjust laws in a crooked, corrupt system form of government which makes wrong right and right wrong, an evil corrupt, rigged, influenced system form of government of unjust laws and unjust practices under the guise of law and order, in which We the People, must obey and abide by or we are charged with breaking the law.
“Influence is not Government.” President George Washington
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” President John F. Kennedy
You can put our country first by voting against the evil, crooked, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system. Join the movement of rejection against the evil, corrupt, rigged system by voting for the leadership of Donald J. Trump.
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “I want to make America great again.” Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump
The system is the enemy of America…not Donald J. Trump!!!
Donald J. Trump is the only presidential candidate that offers a cure for our corrupt, evil, rigged system. The system is the enemy of America. A system which considers the white woman inferior and owned property by white male dominance; a system that considers Negroes, people of color, inferior and owned property by white male dominance …a corrupt system of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the fundamental essence of the corrupt, rigged system. Hypocrisy is the system. Hypocrisy perpetuates the system’s principles of lies, untruths, distorted truths, false superiority, false inferiority, bigotry, and discrimination – gender barrier (white woman), color barrier (the Negro – people of color), religious bigotry, economic exploitation along with superstition, myths, shams and unjust laws which make wrong right and right wrong; upheld by the legal system’s institutions, the courts and enforced by the legal system’s laws. Such unjust laws, for the critical, crucial reasons mentioned above, are profound reasons which give great credence and indescribable importance to America’s need for Donald J. Trump and his honest commitment to the American people.
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “I want to make America great again.” “America First” Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump
My fellow Americans, ask yourself, ‘What is America all about?’ Then ask yourself, ‘What is terrorism?’ Is there any such thing as good terrorism? Is there any such thing as bad terrorism? If the answer is yes, please explain the difference between good and bad terrorism.
The corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system is the enemy of America and the enemy of the American people.
We the People, the politicians, the parties, the Democrats, the Republicans and the Independents all agree that the system is corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist. With that concept type of total consensus of agreement in public opinion that the system is corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist, the people want a new system.
What is democracy?
What difference do the rules of democracy mean – when the rules practiced directly contradicts the fundamental, founding principles of the rules of democracy…Liberty, Equality, Justice and Freedom.
The people want a new system.
If the system is corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist…then, are the rules practiced by that corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system…don’t they have to be corrupt too???
The people resent and vehemently reject this form of tyranny in their government. The people want just laws, with dignity and respect. Just laws that they can obey and abide by with dignity and respect. The people want a voice in their government. “We the people…governed by the consent of the governed.”The people want a whole new system. The people want America to be GREAT AGAIN.
The only leadership offering a whole new system is Donald J. Trump. The people’s choice to lead the movement of their resentment giving voice to their rejection and this tyranny form of government. My fellow Americans, we have endured and suffered the consequences of the corrupt, rigged, system’s mastery of deceitful practices for over four-hundred years. Its manipulation of deceitful language, lies, untruths, divisiveness, bigotry, discrimination, false claims of superiority, and false claims of inferiority and corrupt (rigged). A system that considers the white woman, (fifty percent of the white population), inferior and owned property, incapable of making intelligent decisions or having sound judgment. A corrupt rigged system that makes wrong right and right wrong.
According to history, women have long endured the cruel injustice of mental and physical enslavement. America, a new nation conceived in Liberty, was allegedly, supposed to give the woman redemption, emancipation, total equality, justice, liberty and freedom – recognition as a perfect human being and a full citizen of the new nation called America, enjoying the promise of America and her unfulfilled God-given inalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That American dream still remains in the distant future for women.
However, women of America, God has given you the divine opportunity to vote against the evil, crooked, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system. To eliminate it under the leadership of Donald J. Trump and gain your Equality, Liberty and God-given inalienable rights. Nothing should be of more importance to our country, and nothing could be of more importance to you, the women of America.
Women of America, I appeal to your conscience…your heart…and your intelligence…to help save our country. How? By putting our country first with your vote against the evil, crooked, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system – rising above fear and intimidation and putting aside all personal differences, party loyalty, apprehensions and antipathies and fear of Donald J. Trump. Seize the time and grasp the God-given opportunity for real change. You have suffered and endured injustices for four-hundred years – give our country and yourself a vote of confidence, for change. Give Donald Trump and our country your vote for four years, for the very much needed changes. You have everything to gain; first and foremost, your womanhood, equality and liberty. Alternatively you will continue to suffer inequality, without liberty and continue to complain your denial of your inalienable rights. This will continue to be ‘business as usual,’ lies, promise and apologize, for the unkept promises. A ritual of lies, untruths and false promises repeated unstintingly to convince women. Please keep in mind the immortal words of William Cullen Bryant: “The truth crushed to earth will rise again.” Thomas Carlyle noted: “No lie can live forever.” Now is the time. VOTE FOR YOURSELF, VOTE FOR YOUR COUNTRY!!!VOTE TRUMP FOR REAL CHANGE!!!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
The evil, crooked, corrupt, rigged, racist system is the enemy of America. The evil, crooked, corrupt, rigged, racist system is the enemy of Black America…The hateful enemy of people of color. For the first time in the Black history of our country…America: we the African Americans, the people of color, have an opportunity – a God-given opportunity to vote for our country by voting against the enemy of America…while at the same time, with the same vote be voting for the African American people’s inclusion into the American body politic in the struggle for the Negroe’s equality. WHY? BECAUSE A GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOT, DONALD J. TRUMP, HAS CALLED OUT THE EVIL, CROOKED, CORRUPT, AND RIGGED RACIST SYSTEM. HE HAS DARED TO CALL OUT THE LYING POLITICIANS. HE HAS THE INDOMITABLE COURAGE TO CALL OUT THE PARTY BOSSES. HE IS ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT WITH AN INVINCIBLE SPIRIT TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Donald J. Trump is fighting the evil corrupt, crooked, rigged, sexist, racist system on behalf of the American people. Donald J. Trump is fearless, brave, courageous and bold enough to bring out all of the multi-faceted racism, schemes that are devious, sinister and diabolically hateful to the American people. HE CAN’T BE BOUGHT and Donald J. Trump CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY THE PARTY BOSSES NOR CORRUPTED BY THE EVIL, CORRUPT, RIGGED, CROOKED, SEXIST, RACIST SYSTEM’S “TRICKERATION” OR BIGOTED PREJUDICIAL ART OF PERSUASION. President Donald J. Trump’s only obligation will be to the American people. Not the Super PACs, Lobbyists or Big Business Interests.
America stop, take a pause and think…what other presidential candidate calls out Big Business for their dereliction in taking away jobs from the American people? What other American presidential candidate warns Big Business that they will have to pay for their treacherous anti-American behavior? No one other than the people’s choice to lead the movement of the people’s rejection – Donald J. Trump by rejection of the evil crooked, corrupt rigged, sexist, racist system form of government.
Every African American, people of color unequivocally must put our country first – before considering any type of party loyalty, a vote against this crooked, evil corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system. The hatred for blackness intensified the violent hate against blackness. Then the evil system’s propaganda attached every negative offensive association to color which in turn makes blackness as a human character…despicable and diseased making any contact with any blackness highly dangerous.
Donald J. Trump has called out and exposed the evil, corrupt, rigged system like never before…not as an effect being the problem…treated as an isolated incident but going after the actual cause…the evil, corrupt, rigged, racist system itself. "We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “I want to make America great again.” “America First” Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump
There is no room for apathy and complacency from all people of color and especially African Americans and white lovers of freedom in regards to the repressive power of this evil system…its unjust laws and cancerous symbols. All lovers of freedom, black and white alike must protest and vote for Donald J. Trump for president to get rid of the color barrier (people of color) and the gender barrier (white women) and to eliminate America’s number one enemy – THE EVIL, CROOKED, CORRUPT, RIGGED, SEXIST, RACIST SYSTEM!!!
We set our goal of Liberty and Freedom
We have had only the opportunity to cast our vote for the lesser of the two evils with regard to the presidential candidates while guessing the presidential candidates feelings and regards to African Americans. Now we know the enemy of America, the evil corrupt, rigged, racist system, which stands blocking the doorway to our equality, liberty and freedom. Doubling down on blocking people of color and the white woman from entering and passing through the door towards equality, liberty, justice and freedom. We know the enemy, the evil corrupt, rigged, and sexist, racist system and for the first time in our lifetime, the enemy has been put on the presidential ticket. “THE SYSTEM” the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system is the real cause of the horrible effects of which we agonizingly suffer. The fallen but not forgotten heroes of our struggle: Emmett Till, James Byrd, Viola Liuzzo, Goodman, Cheney, Schwerner, James Meredith and our great leaders in the struggle, President Abraham Lincoln in a theater, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in a limousine in Dallas, TX, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on a balcony in Memphis, TN, Malcolm X in a ballroom in New York, Robert Kennedy, in a hotel kitchen in Los Angeles.
Heretofore, we have been only treating the effects as isolated incidents but not the cause of the so-called isolated effects. The effects are not isolated. They are the real, collective, undeniable effects of the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist racist system. Now that the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist racist system has been put on trial, prosecuted by the people’s choice Donald J. Trump and found guilty on all counts of murder and racism. Discrimination, bigotry, divisiveness, segregation, prejudice, false claims of white superiority, false claims of Black inferiority, false claims of white woman’s inferiority, lies, untruths, and distorted truths. The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist racist system which excludes the white woman and the African American people of color. An evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist racist system which considers the white woman inferior and owned property of the white male dominance, a system which considers Black people, African Americans inferior and owned property by the white male dominance. A system that makes right wrong and wrong right.
The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system has been FOUND GUILTY OF ALL CHARGES!!! The presidential prosecutor, Donald J. Trump declared…the system must go!!! "We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “I want to make America great again.” Then he pronounced the sentence of the evil, corrupt, rigged system: Death by elimination as the president.
THE VICTIMS are waiting for justice to be carried out: Aavielle Wakefield, Major Howard, Ramon Burnett, Trayvon Martin, Ernest Satterwhite, Dontre Hamilton, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Michael Brown, Levar Jones, Tamir Rice, Rumain Brisbon, Charly “Africa” Leudeukeunang, Naeschylus Vinzant, Tony Robinson, Anthony Hill, Walter Scott, Amadou Diallo, Manuel Loggins Jr., Ronald Madison, Kendra James, Sean Bell, Eric Garner, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile. CHARLESTON CHURCH VICTIMS; Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Cynthia Hurd, Tywanza Sanders, Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, Rev. Daniel Simmons, Myra Thompson, Rev. Depayne Middleton-Doctor.
I want the America People to carry out the sentence pertaining to their deaths by voting against the corrupt, rigged system and electing Donald J. Trump president, Trump who has promised justice creating a whole new system so that their lives were not lost in vain.
Now is the time. Vote for Trump and you are voting for yourself! Vote Trump and you are voting for a Better America! Vote Trump, for real change… a whole new system! Vote Trump! Let’s take our government back and place it into the hands of the American people.
Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!!!
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Barack Obama
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King