Remembering Joe Jackson

Hey everybody…let’s have some fun. Lest celebrate the life of my friend Joe Jackson and great father of the Jackson Family.
I love Joe Jackson, he was a great father and a helluva man. More importantly, he was my friend. He gave me the distinct honor of joining him and his beautiful wife Katherine in organizing and promoting ‘The Victory Tour.’
Joe and Katherine, who is a fantastic mother, together raised the most famous black family in pop music in the history of America. The Jackson boys (Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy) featuring the King of Pop Michael Jackson was on the top of the music charts all over the world and don’t forget the beautiful girls, LaToya, Janet and Rebbie.
Michael Jackson became the greatest super star artist in the history of pop music history. All because of his great father, who refused to be stripped of his manhood by a corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system of human control. He accepted his duties and responsibilities of a father and a man. He didn’t run away from a wife and 10 kids- one passed- leaving nine, which he ran to and not from with love, understanding and discipline, which made The Jackson’s our First family in the black community, long before President Obama shocked the world.
The Jackson Victory Tour was one of the highlights of my career. It was a wonderful experience that I shall never forget. Michael at one of the sites dedicated the song ‘I’ll Be There’ to me.
So, I am rededicating the song and the loving thought to Katherine Jackson and family, that if you should ever need me…I’ll be there.
So, long Joe Jackson…Your house here on earth is vacated, but your spirit will never die.
Your Friend,
Don King