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Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
For your historic review:
These spiritually touched by faith Call & Post articles from 2016 and 2017, prognosticating and predicting the future of what we the people, are witnessing, suffering and experiencing today in August 2019.
God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to be performed.
The spiritual testimony that reflects the validity of the prophecy of President Donald J. Trump’s remarkable journey to the leader of the world was documented by me in this April 6, 2016 column in the Call & Post.
As testimony here is the April 6, 2016 article, please reflect on its content:
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
“I want to make America great again.” Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
The Trump message of creating “a whole new system,” is coming across loud and clear to the establishment (system). Is it any wonder why..? The system wants to Stop Trump?!! Print media vs. Trump, radio talk hosts vs. Trump, TV media vs. Trump, cable media vs. Trump and by any and all means they are trying to create Stop Trump Movements at every instance, by any means necessary.
Why is there such a colossal effort to STOP TRUMP???
Because Trump knows that the system “is the problem and the cause,” the corrupt misguided way of life system that makes wrong right and right wrong… That makes the white woman property and inferior that makes people of color property and inferior; creating prejudice, bigotry and divisiveness between and among the American people.
“Those who hope in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
The people reject the corrupt system…they reject the “establishment” which is the “system.” All the presidential candidates unanimously agree that the misguided way of life system of white supremacy and control is corrupt and has cancer.
But only the GOP Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump gives (offers) the American people a course of true change.
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
“I want to make America great again.” Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
That message is resonating with the American people. It is the only real threat towards the elimination of the corrupt system. Donald J. Trump is the American people’s “choice” to lead the movement for their rejection of the system.
Donald J. Trump, with the help of the people, along with their strong support, can remove the cancer ridden corrupt system of power and control. Then replace that evil system with a good, God-like system, the essence of democracy; Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Peace, the organic fundamental principles of which the Nation was founded upon.
That is why there is such a colossal effort to Stop Trump: the system against Trump. Stop Trump: The Super PACs against Trump. Stop Trump: The GOP party establishment against Trump. Stop Trump: the other candidates against Trump. Stop Trump: By any and all means necessary…Stop Trump mediawise.
Thus the system has unleashed a negative divisive public opinion scheme; pitting women questions against Trump; color questions against Trump; religion questions against Trump; racial questions against Trump; then presenting the questions to Trump; questions fraught with danger, presented in a highly insensitive and incendiary manner betting on Trump’s honest volatile personality and his undaunted spirit in responding to these set-up questions, answering these questions extemporaneously as he normally does; Hoping that he will self implode, and its must be said to an honest degree that he has accommodated his foes by his natural personality and instincts to a dangerous degree.
Trump is fighting against the system on behalf of the people; the people must fight with him against the system in defense of themselves, their God-given rights and their freedom is at stake.
The principles of Democracy: Life, Liberty, Justice, Equality and Freedom. Principles of which the evil misguided way of life system has categorically been denied to the American People. Thank you Donald J. Trump for exposing this system to the American people for what it really is, a system of phenomenal deception and masterful TRICKERATION!!! Despotism under the guise of democracy.
Especially so, in regards to women and their rights. The system considers white women inferior and owned property. Therefore, she has no rights that the white man is bound to respect. Trump’s commitment is to change that system. Trump is fighting for the system’s elimination and replacement by fighting the cause…as the problem.
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
“I want to make America great again.” Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
To the American woman, please don’t fall prey to the system’s masterful game of deception, pitting you against Donald J. Trump under the illusion that he is the villain, disrespecting you and dishonoring your womanhood. Then by your misguided emotionalism, you take your eye off the goal and divide your efforts in your struggle for full emancipation and your freedom, changing your mindset from your struggle for freedom to your misguided emotional mindset to castigate Trump, casting your vote against Trump without realizing that you are voting in support of the system and you are voting against yourself. Trump is not the people’s problem. Trump has never denied women their God-given inalienable rights. The system has… and still is… denying women their inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, Choice, Freedom and Equality. Lest not forget, Donald J. Trump is fighting against the system on your behalf. Now you the woman must speak out and fight against the system on your own behalf.
Women Freedom and Equality Now!!!
Now Is the Time For This Nation To Fulfill Its Promise!!!
Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, the stakes are high…Life, Liberty and Equality versus enslavement, inferiority and owned property!!!
Every American woman should take heed in their misguided emotionalism that Donald J. Trump is a heel and you are seeking the right to tell Donald J. Trump, to call you pretty and apologize, when you should be fighting for your equality and your rights, casting your vote against the system to ascertaining the right to call your self pretty and to have that right respected and accepted with total equality and first class citizenship.
American women must come together and fight for their Liberty and Equality in the nuclear age.
Be the change you wish to see in America!!!
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand” Revelations 1:3.
Now Is the Time For This Nation To Fulfill Its Promise!!!
My fellow Americans, no matter what you say or do, Trump is the candidate that makes America …come true… to you, “We the people.” Now that we see the corruption of the election process first hand…WHAT ARE… WE THE PEOPLE GOING TO DO ABOUT CORRECTING OUR ELECTION PROCESS???
Habits of years are as strong as life itself. We the people can bear witness to that fact, by what is actually happening in our beloved great country of America today.
An absolute repudiation of establishment politics is transpiring right before our eyes as a testimony to the evil misguided way of life system!!!
To change something, first you have to acknowledge that “something” is there to be changed. In this instance, it is the evil misguided way of life system of white supremacy and control. This amazing system that makes wrong right and right wrong, a system that has miraculous inventive capacity. An ability to deal with unforeseen difficulties and problems that may come into play, extemporaneously, problems such as Donald J. Trump. Along with a super talent to instantly rebrand itself in order to deal with such problems and difficulties, with great aplomb.
Donald J. Trump is fighting against the system for the American people. The American people are rejecting the system…rejecting the lying politicians…rejecting the system’s government and they have chosen Donald J. Trump to lead the fight against the system in the battle of their rejection of the system’s misguided way of life along with the freedom from its control over the people. The people are angry…and they feel betrayed by their lying politicians. The people feel that Donald J. Trump is a non-politician – an outsider, whose leadership can’t be bought, nor be controlled by intimidation, fear or coercion. Donald J. Trump is the choice of the people to lead America back to the people. Now the system has declared war on GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump which means that the system has declared war on the people. Stop Trump, Stop Trump, Stop Trump campaigns are springing up everywhere; the Super PACs – GOP establishment – the candidates, the party, the system’s collective negative propaganda assault on Donald J. Trump to undermine, mislead and influence public opinions that Trump is unacceptable as President of The United States of America, inferring that all the people of America are against Trump.
For example: The system, using its Stop Trump Super PAC has invented a timely scheme to instigate an internecine war, a “Family Feud” (an instigation to agitation unbeknown to Trump or Cruz, A Super PAC inflicted wound serving its purpose of causing a personal fight between Trump and Cruz, and serve its purpose it did…) Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz and the candidate’s wives, Heidi and Melania. A very effective character assassination plan to Stop Trump. The nuclear age demands women’s equality, women’s equality requires equal accountability and equal responsibility. Equal women, a whole person, a perfect human being. Equal women must put aside dainty frivolity and fight in concert with Donald Trump against our common enemy, the system. The system is the problem. The system is the cause that malignantly affects the people’s freedoms. I.e. The system’s instigation for agitation personifies the power of the system’s masterful TRICKERATION, the most damaging blows against Trump thus far…
Whether – or – not Donald J. Trump is elected president, the people of America owe him a great deal of thanks and heartwarming gratitude for opening up the Pandora’s Box of the American election process and bringing it to the forefront for the public review, debate and discussion.
Question: About the theory of people power and where it resides in the concept of “we the people,” who are the delegates? Are they elected by the people? Who do they owe their loyalty to? Govern by consent of the Governed? What does that mean? Rules of the Party? Party rules that can be changed, conveniently and selectively? Different Party rules for different states? Trump brings out the questions to the people…Does our vote really count? Is the election process a farce to begin with, utilized to cover up, as window dressing, the system’s power and control to make decisions contrary to the wishes of the people? The system’s backroom shady deals? What is a Broker Convention? Does a Broker Convention give the Party the power to select and elect the party’s candidate without the voice of the people? Without running, seeking the vote and approval of that position that the candidate is about to fulfill? Donald J. Trump has brought the system’s whole entire shady process under the light of truth…Thank you Donald J. Trump.
"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump
Trickeration is the name, deceitful, underhanded, shady dealings is the game.
Marco Rubio is out, but his delegates are not committed. Trump winning the State of Louisiana by popular vote, yet loses the state delegates to the loser? The peoples voting choice loses to the systems voice, selection power, winning the delegates for the loser; when and how does winning become losing???
End of April 6, 2016 reprint.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
In the campaign for the presidency in the 2016 November to Remember election to become the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump was the only presidential candidate to offer the American people a course of true change.
“We will create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America First!!!”
‘We the People,’ the American people believed him…and ‘We the People,’ the American people elected him as our 45th President of the United States of America.
Now, as our President Donald J. Trump is trying to fulfill his promises and commitments to the American people and now, instead of these honorable efforts to fulfill his promises being received with support and heartfelt joy…they are being met with venal hostility and vitriolic contempt.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
What time is it??? Trump time!!!
The corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system is the enemy…Not President Donald J. Trump!!!
The will of ‘We the People,’ selected and elected Donald J. Trump as our president to lead the movement for change For a Better America and he has undertaken the task with relish…accountability and responsibility; with honor, dedication, integrity and commitment. Today, as I listen to my good friend Donald J. Trump…now, thank God! President Donald J. Trump, my heart is filled with love, joy, loyalty and support for our great country of America.
My fellow Americans, we are witnessing a man who loves America…a man, who devotedly loves the American people. A man who is living the example of his commitment: “America First!!!” and now that he has become our president, he is working dedicatedly towards fulfilling his promises to “Make America Great Again.” He acutely recognizes the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system as our #1 (number one) problem and he campaigned on the promise that “we will take this system apart” and that is a virtually important promise to the American people that is wholeheartedly in the living process of being kept!!! Illustrating great leadership! That is why the evil, corrupt, crooked and rigged system has declared war on President Donald J. Trump. The evil system is teaching unbridled hatred for Donald J. Trump because he is in the process of taking the government back from the evil, corrupt system and returning it back to its rightful owners, ‘We the People,’ governed by the consent of the governed.
When President Trump says: “This is our moment.” He is talking about taking the government back from Washington D.C. and giving the government back to We the people.
What time is it??? Trump time!!!
That, my fellow Americans, was Trump’s saying if I become President Trump, it is my dream and belief to give the power back to the people. President Trump loves America. President Trump loves America so much that he decided to put himself and his lovely family in harm’s way in order to fulfill that (his dream) and his promise to the American people. Donald J. Trump has been touched by the Lord. This is spiritual; God has blessed Donald J. Trump with his dream of becoming President Donald J. Trump…and as President Trump, he is in the process of fulfilling his belief and keeping his promise to the American people calling out the process of the system’s TAUGHT HATRED and HYPOCRISY…then identifying its lying propaganda as the reason for our cultural divisiveness, our gender (white woman) racism and our color, African American / people of color racism and their collective insidious, vitriolic effects on our society. The evil corrupt, rigged systems war of hatred and hypocrisy against President Trump is the same evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system’s war of hatred and hypocrisy against the “Left-outs,” the white woman and the African American/ people of color.
President Trump promises to be president to all the people, a president of inclusion, “The forgotten people won’t be forgotten anymore.”
This spiritual prophecy of Trump’s journey was written about almost one year ago as a living testimony to his prophecy and fulfillment and is attached herein.
God Bless President Donald J. Trump. God has blessed America with our 45th President Donald J. Trump, who has brought to our attention for review, debate and discussion…the evil, ingenious, corrupt and formidable system of control of human mindset, control of human behavior, control of human attitudes and beliefs; a self inventive, self branding system that makes right wrong and wrong right. But God gave us, the American people a warrior who could not be bought, bribed, coerced nor controlled, President Donald J. Trump who is wielding the Gideon Sword of Truth to cut away the inequalities, the propaganda and the injustices.
President Trump has set the tone and in the words of Frederick Douglass, that ring loud and clear: “The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be denounced.”
What time is it??? Trump Time!!!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!
‘We the People,’ must be ever vigilant, stay loyal and committed to President Donald J. Trump and never forget….Only the strong survive.
We must unite and come together, as one America!!!
Working together works!
“The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.” President Donald J. Trump
REPRINT August 22, 2017
BY DON KING, Publisher
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of WHITE SUPREMACY HATE, is the enemy of America.
WHITE SUPREMACY HATE is the disease! Love and equality is the cure! President Trump is not a racist…He is a REALIST!!!
‘We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” America First!’
“Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
My fellow Americans, we are currently bearing witness to this evil, corrupt, rigged and racist system of WHITE SUPREMACY HATE. This evil, corrupt, rigged system’s formidable, striking power of deceitful manipulations of public opinion has been put into place for the impeachment of our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump.
The die has been set, the mode of operation has been put into place and the vicarious process for his impeachment has been launched…However, none of these hate filled, devious activities come as a surprise; from one of the nominees stating “its horrible that a nominee from one of our prime political parties wont accept the will of the people’s election result, it’s appalling, it’s despicable.” To the Jill Stein voter scam, the Russian appointment of our president, Russian interference with tampering of the election, to collusion, to Donald J. Trump Jr.’s secret indictment plot in collusion with the Russians and the list goes on and on.
However, my fellow Americans, ‘We the People,’ cannot allow this transparent farce, this shameless hate, the corrupt system’s attempt of this ungodly impeachment, treasonous act to prevail…Just as I have spiritually written in the Call & Post articles repeatedly before, this evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of WHITE SUPREMACY HATE would go to any lengths to stop and destroy President Trump…Now, ‘We the People,’ are undeniably witnessing this remarkable and ingenious evil and corrupt system’s establishment form of government in its relentless process to stop and destroy the voice of the will of ‘We the People’s,’ chosen leader, President Donald J. Trump, under the guise of American democracy.
However, my fellow citizens, keep in mind that the Call & Post has continually and constantly reminded you of this ingenious remarkable system’s ingenuity and extraordinary capability of making wrong right and right wrong and in its multifaceted arsenal of evil tactics which it uses to ascertain its goal while serving its purpose.
What time is it??? Trump time!!!
President Trump is not a RACIST…President Trump is a REALIST!!!
Loyalty plays an integral, important and key role in the taught hate training, conditioning and development of their white superiority and the concept of inferiority (color, gender and race) in others.
The moralist, Christian and Bible believing, freedom and liberty lovers must use the same type of dedicated commitment to teach love and equality as the white supremacist use to teach hate, inequality and inferiority.
The moralist, Christian, God loving, freedom and liberty lovers, the Bible believers must use the same unwavering dedication and commitment in its teachings of love and equality…that we are all equals with and in God’s eternal law.
The law says that they prosecute hate crimes. ‘We the People,’ must establish anti-white supremacy hate teachings, BY LAW, to prevent hate crimes. ‘We the People,’ must establish it…not by force or fraud…but BY LAW. The same way in which ATTORNEY JOHN B. KNOX DID IN ESTABLISHING WHITE SUPREMACY BY LAW IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA’S SIXTH CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION HELD IN MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA IN 1901 WHICH IS CURRENTLY STILL IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT IN EXISTENCE TODAY.
My fellow Americans, please pause, reflect and think…the corrupt system was here before the election of Trump, one in which we all, friend and foe alike agreed, that the system was corrupt… after Trump’s election, the evil, corrupt, rigged system will still continue to be here and ‘We the People,’ will continue to reject it…but with Trump and The WILL of ‘We the People,’ together:
‘We will create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” America First!’
In fact this evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system is the reason that we have elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th President.
Which means that we began the repioneering journey of American change and replacement of our evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system…taking it apart from top to bottom…and from bottom to top, and then rebuilding our system from top to bottom and from bottom to top with history as our guideline… the past giving us the process by example and based upon the Founding Principles of Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Peace; How to go about achieving them, what to take out and what to leave in as we reestablish, recreate and recommit, for the common good, common welfare and common security and protection for tomorrow and reaffirming the ideals of American politics and protection BY LAW.
“Sometimes party loyalty as too much.” President John F. Kennedy
Party loyalty is clandestine and surreptitious, building and manipulating conditions through public opinion and arguments for impeachment of President Trump with purple propaganda. While we may and do differ from him somewhat morally and politically, there is not and a more enlightened and patriotic man or woman who fails to see that much of this result is due to the honorable and statesmanlike policy and sayings of the present Chief Executive of these United States, who by the consideration has shown our country and both parties, Republican and Democrat, to be a realist and to tell the people the truth…realistic…he is not one to cover-up and hide our misgivings and wrong doings as though they didn’t happen; but to face up to them and change the wrongdoing to right doings for the common good and general welfare of America.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Remember Heather Heyer…If we are to have no WHITE SUPREMACY HATE, we must establish it BY LAW – not by force or fraud. If you teach your boys that it is wrong to buy a vote, it is an easy step for him to learn to use money honestly, not to bribe or corrupt officials or trustees of any class. If you teach your boy that it is wrong to steal votes, it is an easy step for him to believe that it is wrong to steal whatever he may need or greatly desire.
If you teach your boy to love and respect others as equals, with no sex, color or class distinction followed by the results of such an influence.
The result of such an influence will enter every branch of society, it will reach your bank cashiers and affect positions of trust in every department; it will ultimately enter your courts and affect the administration of justice.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and cannot sleep forever.” President Thomas Jefferson
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” Matthew 12:25
My fellow Americans, our spiritually touched…and We the peoples’, chosen leader President Donald J. Trump, is in the process of trying to bring the American people together, united into one voice of speaking, teaching and preaching “Togetherness,” in order to help make America great again.
“The bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.” President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Speech
Our founding fathers conceived that a united America was unstoppable and understood that self-reliance is the axis on which freedom spins.
To lead us,
The “Will” of the peoples’ choice, the spiritually touched President Donald J. Trump, who clearly understands that our nation’s mindset has been contaminated with a slave-master mentality. A deeply ingrained “hate” sickness of white supremacy ideology which dictates that white elites superiority, white woman inferiority and poor white people’s inferiority and the entire race of the negro (black people) and all peoples’ of color inferiority.
Since the end of slavery, brilliant minds of all stripes have attempted to try to solve the unique characteristics of this dilemma of private and public’s mindset. However, all of these brilliant minds have been attempting to solve this dilemma by treating the effects of the corrupt system’s dilemma as the problem, not the cause as the problem, rather than going after the cause of the problem, then to resolve and cure this dilemma’s sickness.
Without going after the cause of the sickness; which is the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system of white supremacy hate and control system. A corrupt, rigged system, which has the capability to make right wrong and wrong right. An evil corrupt rigged system that considers the white woman inferior and owned property, the poor white people ignorant and inferior, and the entire negro/African American race (people of color) inferior. A remarkable corrupt, ingenious system, which has the awesome power to shape and mold public opinion…to manipulate the ‘We the people’s, mindset, who is the victim into becoming the victimizer, believing and treating the ghastly and horrible effects that emanate from the evil, corrupt, rigged system as the problem that ‘We the people, must resolve and cure. When in fact it is the evil corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system’s that needs to be cured, changed and replaced.
It is an ironic, but an accurate fact, that only our spiritually touched, will of We the peoples’ choice leader Donald J. Trump, who have proposed as a cure for this cancerous sickness, “We will create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America Great Again.” America First !!!
And it is also an unequivocal fact that President Donald J. Trump, champion of the people, who has the intestinal fortitude, the guts, the indomitable courage and the invincible spirit to take on this goliath of sin, bigotry, hate and divisiveness and prejudice and discrimination, fearlessly calling out the evil corrupt system and heroically dedicated and committed to its change and replacement on behalf of We the people, in order to make America great again!!!
“Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you the people.” President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Speech
Those cosmic and profound words uttered by our spiritually touched leader President Trump is his solemn commitment to We the people, however the system is contesting his election, claiming voter fraud; Russian interference, and Russian collusion… etc… etc…
Claiming voter fraud, Russian election interference, Russian’s secret meetings and any other preposterous claims.
Those cosmic and profound declarations are President Trump’s promise to the American people along with his vow to God to be fulfilled…restoring the power back to We the people, in order to make America great again.
Yet, the corrupt system has not accepted the 2016 Presidential election results.
President Trump represents all of the American people first…his love and loyalty to the people and the country, which supersedes any party affiliations or party loyalty.
His aim is to restore the spirit of America to We the people, governed by the consent of the governed.
However, the corrupt system is still trying to remove President Trump from office, to nullify his election, to impeach him or remove him from office by whatever ungodly means available.
After all, We the people, aren’t we ALL AMERICANS?
Doesn’t the American people comprise the Democrats party? Doesn’t the American people comprise the Republican party? The atheist, the Independent party…the religious, the non- believers…etc... etc… so in the final result, collectively, we comprise all of the American people. The melting pot of Liberty. We the people,
“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” John Adams wrote in a letter to Thomas Jefferson. “I will vow, that I then believed and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the existence and attributes of God: And those principles of Liberty are as unalterable as human nature.” John Adams practiced what he preached.
Our spiritually touched leader President Donald J. Trump also practices what he preaches, both as a candidate and now as the President.
“We the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restores its promise for all of our people.
Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.” President Donald J. Trump
Those cosmic and profound words spoken by our spiritually touched President Donald J. Trump on his inauguration day are the living testimony of President Trump’s sacred vow promise and commitment to give We the people, Liberty or give him death.
The corrupt system still contest his presidency, refusing to accept the 2016 Presidential election result.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ― Patrick Henry
Now that he has become the 45th President of the United States of America, he has set himself upon a very hazardous and dangerous course of action in order to fulfill every word, promise, pledge, vow and commitment he made to We the people, the American people and he is totally dedicated to keeping his word and fulfilling his promise. That’s why the evil corrupt system must stop, discredit, dishonor and destroy President Donald J. Trump, and the WILL of We the people.
This is the reason that President Trump puts (The American People First!) and why I love and support President Donald J. Trump.
President Trump’s love and loyalty to America-the country and the American People first, is the reason why I love and support my friend Donald J. Trump who’s spiritually touched leadership can and will help save America and the American people and we the people will make America great again…which means making the world a better place to live in.
So, my fellow Americans we must not allow ourselves to be conned by the evil corrupt system’s purple propaganda into believing that President Trump is the culprit…the enemy and the problem of America!!!
President Trump’s faith in God and his unwavering love and support for We the people, the American people reaffirms my dedication and love and unwavering support to the greatest nation in the world. “My country tis of thee. Sweet land of Liberty.” America. Which makes my unwavering love and support for my friend and President Donald J. Trump even more stronger… with love and loyalty that’s indescribable!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
My fellow Americans we must recognize, realize and appreciate the fact that our spiritually touched, WILL of We the peoples’ choice leader now the 45th President of the United States of America is God sent. For the liberation and restoration of the power of government to be restored back into the hands of We the people, the American people.
The spiritually touched ‘We the Peoples,’ Revolutionary movement with President Trump at the helm leading the way, taking the power from Washington D. C., and returning that power back into the hands of We the people, the American people.
This premise is totally unacceptable to the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of white supremacy hate and control from of government. The evil, corrupt, rigged and exceedingly powerful system has unconditionally declared war on President Trump and the will of We the people.
The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system is the enemy of America…Not our spiritually touched leader President Donald J. Trump. Yet, the remarkable, ingenious corrupt system portrays and paints President Trump as the heartless, despicable, unfit to be president, lack of effective leadership capabilities to be president, a liar, dishonest can’t be trusted type of leader who would betray the people… sellout We the people… at the drop of a hat for his own selfish and vested interest.
However, in order to discredit President Trump and undermine his presidency, the corrupt, evil, rigged system points the finger of blame at him just as they do in blaming the black people for all of the ills of the white people.
Through the powerful, corrupt systems establishments one-sided, double standard, bias media and purple propaganda the scheme of falsely painting President Trump as unacceptable and unfit for the presidency in the eyes of public opinion has been put into full force and effect… with the full dedicated motion to get rid of President Trump, contest the election, nullify the election result, impeach him or whatever else is necessary to get rid of him (President Trump) with public approval and acceptance of We the people.
The egregious and corrupt system dictates that President Trump must be believably to blame for every evil and foul deed committed during his administration, even means starting a nuclear war. He must be conceived as the perpetrator, the cause and the blame for such human destruction.
My fellow Americans, this egregious evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist, exceedingly powerful system of white supremacy hate, accept no blame, takes no prisoners and never stops pursuing its evil goal to destroy its enemies and the “WILL” of We the peoples’, revolutionary movement of rejection to the corrupt system’s establishments’ form of government is Number One on the corrupt system’s hit list… along with the destruction of our spiritually touched, god-sent President Donald J. Trump.